Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We measured frequency and found the wave of sounds. The crest is the top of the wave and the trough is the bottom. We needed to zoom in on the wave so that we could have a clearer picture and discover the sound more clearly. It was hard to get a good reading every time because not every sound came out clearly and made a nice wave. Zooming in helped to see the wave and find the crest and trough more easily. You take the number of waves divided by the time and get frequency. The frequency I got for the tuning fork was 522 frequency. I got 3125 for the frequncy of the speaking voice, which is too high. I got 869.6 frequency for the singing voice. Low frequency sounds travel better. Frequency is able to be calculated but it is hard to get a good looking sound wave and to find the right frequency.

1 comment:

  1. a picture of a bad wave would be good since you said it was difficult to get a good wave
    3125 is too high
    good pictures
