Thursday, February 24, 2011


We found the decibels of loudness and different sounds. We found that anything makes sound. Even if it is an empty room, there is still a good amount of sound. We went to the weight room, it was empty and I talked into the sound level meter. It read 95 decibels and I think it was from my voice and the echoing of the empty room. The gym was 69, our stomping feet in the back hall was 79, utility room 74.5, art room 73, wood tech 77.9, vending machine 64, coir singing 70, nutrition room 66, dryer 68.6, running water 73, someone talking quietly was 65, copy machine 63, spanish room 64,h room 63 and me screaming in an empty room was 86. My scream was 86 and talking was in the 70s. Too loud in the classroom in my opinion is in the 80s because that is going to be too distracting for kids to concentrate. I feel the voices would create the sound of 80 decibels and it would be much too loud for kids. I think each classroom should be the in the mid 70s because it would be easier for everyone to concentrate but it would also be a positive learning environment for everyone to participate and hear what is being said. I thought it was interesting that even an empty room had such a high amount of decibels. I thought it would be lower because there was no one talking or making extra sounds. Loudness depends on the environment and extra sounds in the environment. I really liked learning about the sounds and decibels throughout the school.


  1. no pictures/graphics (fix)
    good discussion of classroom loudness
    what is the range of decibels? (fix)
    loudness & distance relationship?


  2. mid 70's is above a speaking voice
    picture in other post (you can just edit this post)
